What is a REALTOR?
By simply holding a real estate license in New Jersey does not make you a REALTOR®. To earn the distinction of REALTOR®, a real estate agent must take additional steps and must abide by the strict REALTOR® Code of Ethics developed by the National Association of REALTORS®. The Code of Ethic establishes a standard of behavioral expectations that exceeds legal requirements, ensuring REALTORS® honor and respect clients’ interests. The term REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, the world’s largest professional association. A REALTOR® has its own identification standard – the REALTOR® “R” logo, a federally registered mark licensed exclusively to members of NAR. This mark represents our high standard of professional conduct in serving your interests, ensuring your transaction will be handled professionally and your real estate rights protected.
What levels of membership does the GSCBOR offer?
There are three different membership types
Designated REALTOR® Membership: A sole proprietor, partner or corporate officer who holds an active New Jersey broker’s license and is active in the real estate profession is eligible for Designated REALTOR® membership. Individuals must have no record of official sanctions involving unprofessional conduct, and no recent or pending bankruptcy.
REALTOR® Membership: Individuals who hold an active real estate license and are active in the real estate profession and its recognized branches are eligible for REALTOR® membership. Individuals must be employed by or affiliated as an independent contractor with a Designated REALTOR® who has an office that is open to the public for the conduct of real estate or appraisal business.
Affiliate Membership: An individual engaged in business allied to real estate, but who does not hold an active real estate license is eligible for Affiliate membership. Affiliate members have interests in real estate related information, are in sympathy with the objectives of GSCBOR and may benefit from GSCBOR activities.
What is an Affiliate Member?
They are area business people who have an interest in the real estate industry and offer services to our REALTOR® Members and their clients. Affiliates can be mortgage professionals, appraisers, title companies, home inspectors & builders, pest control, varies contractors, and so on. They are crucial to the strength of the Board and sponsor many REALTOR® meetings and events. They attend REALTOR® functions and are part of the networking strength of our association.
I am a newly licensed agent. How do I join? What is the process?
First, your broker must be a member of the Association. Next, you must complete an application and attach the appropriate payment, including the application fee. The application and 2019 fee structure can be found on our website under “Join Today”. Once their application is processed, the applicant will be given instructions to attend the New Member Orientation Program, including the Code of Ethics Training. The Orientation program is mandatory for a new member to attend, not only to have their status changed to REALTOR®, but the program carefully explains what membership in the REALTOR® organizations (NAR, NJR and GSCBOR) are about and the benefits that go with the REALTOR® status.
(See “Why Did I Become A Member” on our website.)
How do I become a member of the New Jersey REALTORS® Association (NJR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR)
As a primary member of the Gloucester Salem Counties Board of REALTORS®, you are automatically a member of the NJR and NAR. The annual dues you pay to GSCBOR are broken into local, state and national portions. GSCBOR is merely an agent for those dues collections.
When are membership fees billed?
Membership fees run on a calendar year. Dues invoices are sent out electronically via email to all REALTORS®, generally the first week in November. It is imperative that members keep their email addresses current and notify us of any changes. (Not responsible if you do not receive your invoice because of an incorrect email.). It is the responsibility of the Broker to ensure that all the licensees within their office have remitted their annual dues payment prior to the deadline.
Can I pay my annual dues assessment in installments? Are dues refundable?
No…We are on an e-commerce system, which is designed to automatically split and disperse the annual dues portions to NAR, NJR and GSCBOR. Because of the three tier levels of e-commerce, dues must be PAID IN FULL. Dues are not refundable. If we receive payment via check, payment is sent to National and State immediately when posted.
What is the difference between primary and secondary membership?
Your Primary Board is the board that you pay your State, National and local dues through. Any board you join after your primary is your secondary board. You would only pay the local dues portion for your secondary board(s), but receive the same benefits.
How do I transfer from another Board?
If you are a member in good standing of another Board/Association of REALTORS®, you need to fill out our REALTOR® application. The application fee is waived; however, there is a $25 transfer fee incurred. Submit the completed application, a letter of good standing from your present Board/Association and the transfer fee.
Can the GSCBOR answer licensing inquiries?
No, licensing inquiries and pertinent regulatory affair matters should be made to the New Jersey Real Estate Commission at 609-292-7053.
What is an NRDS Number? Why is it important and where can I find it?
NRDS stands for National REALTOR® Database System. It is your REALTOR® Identification number. You will have this number as long as you are a REALTOR® member, regardless of what agency or what state you conduct business in. You can find your NRDS # on your yearly NAR membership card or on the back label of your NAR publications. It is important to put your number in a location where you will remember it as that number is your login to many websites, etc.
Does GSCBOR have a Board Store?
Yes, the GSCBOR has a retail store carrying items of interest for our members. We help provide one of the best selections of real estate merchandise in the area…sign riders, directional signs, lock boxes, forms and assorted REALTOR® products. The Board Store is located inside of the GSCBOR office at 343 Glassboro Road, Bldg. B, Suite 103, Wo0dbury Heights, NJ 08097. Feel free to call or email your order ahead of time for pick up later. Did we forget to mention…Great prices too!
DOES GSCBOR supply forms?
Yes. As a member service, GSCBOR supplies our forms on-line, free of charge. As long as you have internet access, you will be able to access our forms library. Forms can be auto-populated or stand alone. Access the forms through the link on our website or at www.ziplogix.com. You will need your NRDS # to log in.
What is the difference between an ethic complaint and an arbitration request?
A grievance alleges that a REALTOR® has violated an Article(s) of the Code of Ethics. An arbitration request involves a dispute over entitlement to a monetary transaction. An arbitration request must be initiated by the broker/manager principal. For a full list of FAQ concerning ethics and arbitrations, click on the Professionalism/Code of Ethics link on the home page banner.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is a form of facilitated negotiation in which an impartial third party attempts to help disputing parties attain a mutually satisfactory solution to their problems? Participation in mediation is strictly voluntary on the part of both the complainant and respondent. Mediation is now offered to both the complainant and respondent prior to it being reviewed by the Grievance Committee
What are the advantages of mediation?
A mediator enables the parties to determine promptly whether there is a reasonable possibility of settling a dispute.
●Mediation saves time
●Mediation can salvage relationships
●Mediation is consensual and the ultimate solution is in the hands of the parties
●Mediation is confidential
●Mediation costs less than litigation
What is Procuring Cause?
Procuring cause can be defined simply as the uninterrupted series of events that results in the successful close of a real estate trasaction. However, there are many aspects to procuring cause and REALTOR® members should view the “Factors Considered in Procuring Cause” page found under the Professionalism/Code of Ethics link on the home page banner.
What is RPAC?
RPAC – is the REALTORS® Political Action Committee, a nonpartisian organization that assists in the election of candidates who support private property rights and other issues that have a direct impact on the real estate industry on the local, state and national level. RPAC is not affiliated with the Republican or the Democratic Parties and does not support one candidate over the other because of party affiliation. Instead, RPAC supports “REALTOR® Party” candidates, those who have indicated or demonstrated that they are interested in pro-REALTOR® or pro-business issues. RPAC is funded through voluntary contributions from members of the REALTOR® association. 100 % of RPAC contributions are used to support REALTOR®friendly candidates and grass root issues…70 percent of which goes towards state and local offices and 30 percent is sent to the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) to back congressional candidates.
What Townships and Municipalities are located within GSCBOR®?
The 24 municipalities located in Gloucester County include: |
The 15 municipalities located in Salem County include: |
Our neighboring counties are Camden County and Cumberland County. |