Who Pays What
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The SELLER can generally be expected to pay for:
Real Estate commission | |
Document preparation fee for Deed | |
Documentary transfer tax | |
Any city Transfer/Conveyance Tax (according to contract) | |
Payoff of all loans in seller’s name | |
Interest accrued to lender being paid off, Reconveyance Fees and any Prepayment Fees | |
Termite Inspection (according to contract) | |
Repairs resulting from inspections (according to contract) | |
Home Warranty (according to contract) | |
Any judgments, tax liens, etc., against seller | |
Tax proration (for any taxes unpaid at time of transfer of title) | |
Any unpaid Homeowners’ Dues | |
Recording charges to clear after documents of record against seller | |
Any bonds or assessments (according to contract) | |
Any and all delinquent taxes | |
Notary Fees | |
Escrow Fee (or one half – according to contract) | |
Title Insurance Premium for Owner’s Policy |
The BUYER can generally be expected to pay for:
Title Insurance Premium for Lender’s Policy | |
Escrow Fee (or one half – according to contract) | |
Document preparation (if applicable) | |
Notary Fees | |
Recording charges for all documents in buyers names | |
Termite Inspection (according to contract) | |
Tax proration (from date of acquisition) | |
Homeowners’ transfer fee | |
All new loan charges (except those required by lender for seller to pay) | |
Interest on new loan from date of funding to 30 days prior to first payment date | |
Pro- rated property taxes | |
Inspection Fees (roofing, property inspection, geological, and in rural areas; septic tank and well inspections) | |
Home Warranty (according to contract) | |
City Transfer/Conveyance Tax (according to contract) | |
Fire Insurance Premium for first year |